viernes, 25 de julio de 2014


August screams SUMMER, at least for me when someone says "august" the first thing that pops in my mind is "summer". And when I think of summer I think of endless days by the beach, bonfires, friends, comfortable clothes, swimsuits, guitars, ukeleles, smiles and happiness. This is the only month of the year when I can do wherever I want whenever I want without worrying about waking up early the next morning, when unexpected plans take place and all that matters is having a good time. For me, august is the month of the year when I can really relax and enjoy life without other worries. So, let's enjoy it.

(All photos from Tumblr)

miércoles, 23 de julio de 2014


DAY 2: La Tour Eiffel,  Les Invalides, Les Champs-Élysées, L'arc de Triomphe & Le Louvre.

lunes, 21 de julio de 2014


"My face above the water 


My feet can't touch the ground

And it feels like I can see the sands on the horizon

Everytime you are not around."

(All photos taken by me©)

viernes, 11 de julio de 2014


Hey there guys, Molly here. I just wanted to write a decent first post, but as this is not really my thing I'll be simple and direct. I'm here so you can come with me through this journey that is life and enjoy it with me. I feel like this is going to be great to find myself in every field: my inner peace, fashion tastes and express my emotions. So let's go!